Monday, February 09, 2009

So, imagine you are standing roughly where the old grey house USED TO stand, and you are facing in the direction of the brick house, with your back to the main road.
Imagine a driveway, approximately, um, here. Where we've cleverly cut down the trees.

That's as far as we got last week....the bulldozer was to rampage on, for most of this week, over the stream that lies just down at the bottom of this hill (yeah yeah, there's culvert going in and it's all very environmentally responsible) in front of you, and then up up up the other slope, in a Very Gentle switchback, and then make a left towards the actual house. Which you can't see in this photo because it's too far away. And somewhere over to the left. In the bushes.

So, do you like what we've done with the place?

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