Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The newest in Easter Egg fashion is apparently the "egg in the bag" methodology of colouring! Who knew?! A way to make Easter eggs all pretty-like without dyeing the childrens' hands a funky purple-brown by the end of the day! (Not to mention their immediate surroundings).
I'm here to keep y'all updated, you know.
Here, Miss.Q. holds the egg in all its pristine, pre-Easter glory. This would be the "before" shot for the hapless egg.

Easter Eggs.

Here, C. chucks an egg into a baggie filled with food colouring. His gentle massage technique quickly and effectively makes the egg look all pretty-like.

Miss. P.'s approach was more of a "shake and bake" technique, however, it produced equally effective results.

And - tada! We have eggs! And look! Almost no egg-dye on our lips or tongues or hands or hair or even on the dog! This is considerable progress when compared to the...umm...previous Easter...which we won't go into here....

Wait wait - AND WE ADDED GLITTER. Because when you live with three toddlers, you know, it's ALL ABOUT THE GLITTER.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
Ours was colour-filled and absolutely lovely!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I Know, I suck.
I haven't posted pictures in weeks and weeks.
But the good news is, I finally downloaded some from my ancient camera to my crummy computer and now, to your eyes.
So, now I just have to decide where to begin....

So, we got a rocking horse for our second birthday.... as P. demonstrates, above.....

And not to be outdone, Q. also showers the horse with demonstrated, below...

And just last week, we colored eggs, as C. will demonstrate in the next post. But here's a teaser for you - the eggs start out looking like this:

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This Rocks.
Happy New Year from the Three Amigos.
A series of December shots, in no particular order.

Here we are dropping off gifts to the neighborhood. We made fudge. Three different kinds.I cannot say what kind of condition the Christmas fudge was in, once it made it to our neighbors' homes, as it had been shaken, stirred and otherwise jostled more than Bond's martini by the time the children "delivered" it. However, in-house samples proved to be quite yummy.

Here the girls prove that the best thing about the holidays is hanging out in your pajamas. All day. While driving a firetruck. I'm not sure what this means for their teenage years.

What do fairy outfits, pirate ships and striped Christmas pajamas have in common, you ask? See above.

While delivering our Christmas fudge, we discovered one of Santa's helpers had preceeded us to our neighbors' doorsteps and dropped off their own treats. This caused the Big C. some distress, as he was uncertain if perhaps he should take the present already there and replace it with the present he was bearing. On the upside, - wow, our neighbors rock - we got at least 15 packages of wonderful-ness from them all and damn, southerners can bake!!!!For the entire week before Christmas, you'd just open your door and ta-da! - there'd be a little parcel of cookies or candies or cider. Better than Alice in Wonderland. Gotta love it, people.

Johanna, you know who you are. And you know you gave us the Singin' Snowman. And you know that someday, somehow, you Will Pay. If I hear "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" come out of that things mouth ONE MORE TIME...well, I know where you live.

Cheers, everybody!!!!