Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Vas Deferens. Not only the name of a British punk band (curious? Apparently they have a page at MySpace - I'll leave that research up to y'all), but also the term for a portion of the uh, male reproductive system. Those of you paying attention in sex ed. class in 9th grade, you already knew that. But have you ever seen one up close and personal?
Guess what I did today?
That's right. Up close and Verrrrry Personal - this particular specimen of Vas belonged to none other than my Significant Other.

After debating the pros and cons of various birth control options (ha - WHAT options, exactly? ) we agreed that a vasectomy would be the way to go. And Hubby claims I wanted to make him suffer just the teeny-est bit. Which is unfair. I didn't really want him to suffer, I was just WAAAY over being the one on the hospital table, drapped in green cloth and told that I'd feel a "little tugging" (as two linebackers/doctors sawed at my body like I was an entire old growth forest).

So. Vasectomy as birth control. Right. "Everybody" says it is only mildly painful, a quick procedure. In fact, you can go here and read ALL about it. With excrutiating detail. And photos. In colour. And Significant One wishes to add that the painless part - yeah, not so much. Looks painful because it IS painful. What else did I learn? The Size of a Vas varies greatly from individual to individual, and might I also add that, while I had always visualized the Vas as a sort of spaghetti thingy (not that I spend my days visulaizing the Vas, umm, that would be, well, weird) it was closer to, say, elbow macaroni. Which probably makes you not want to eat pasta anytime soon.

But really, it was fascinating to watch the whole procedure take place and Hubby was exceptionally brave, especially in light of the fact that the ENTIRE team in the operating room was comprised of Women. Who were brandishing sharp things at his Wedding Tackle. Well, more than just brandishing, really, they were actually cutting out bits of his Wedding Tackle. While discussing eyebrow waxing. Seriously. I could not make this up if I tried. And then they take the little umm, bits, that they have removed and they place them in vials. Seperate vials, marked "left" and "right". Which all seemed very mysterious to me. I immediatley visualized The Vas Deferens Museum. Row upon row of gleaming glass vials with little, uh, bits, floating in crystal clear preservative, with, perhaps little name tags. (Oh god, maybe I DO visual the Vas...more than I realized).

Oh, and speaking of Wedding Tackle? Today is also our third wedding anniversary. That's right. To celebrate three years of marriage, I held my honey's hand while watching a team of women slice and dice his bits like a human Veg-o-matic. And then brought him home, propped him in bed and placed ice packs in strategic locations. Where he's to stay - for two more days.

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart.

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