Tuesday, April 07, 2009


The children and I took a walk around our neighborhood this afternoon. And we were lucky enough to catch one of our gardening-loving neighbors, Miss. Rae, hard at work on her flowerbeds. Miss. Rae was kind enough to invite us into her backyard, and won my heart forever by allowing the children to carefully pick a few of her beautiful flowers. I never cease to be amazed at the generosity of our neighbors, and their immense kindness to our children - the advantage, I suppose, of living in an area filled with Grandparents.
We hurried home after our visit and filled a bowl with our treasures. The urchins can now identify dogwood, azalea, wisteria (a favorite) and Carolina jasmine. As we were putting the flowers in the water, Big. C. leaned into me and sighed "I love spring, Muma."

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