Monday, September 28, 2009

If these faces aren't trouble, I don't know what is....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

We spent a little time at the playground on Saturday. Now that the weather is not so blisteringly hot, we're slowly getting back into the routine of the playground visit. AND, as an added bonus, I remembered to bring along the camera - the camera that was replaced for FREE because I was "duped" into buying the extended warranty a year ago ( I know - I usually pass on the extended warranty, too, but the little voices in my head that day seemed to think it was a good idea. Thank god for the little voices). So, I now have a NEW, FREE camera and it's great because it is small and compact and takes reasonably good shots of the kids when the need arises.
So it was hot enough that the girls' cheeks look sunburned - we worked up a "glow" at the playground!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

This is a photo from some time ago - Grandstand and his Granddaughters walking through the D.C. Metro station (which they thought was a fine - but slightly too dark - Disney Ride) en route to Rick's retirement ceremony. The light was bad and I couldn't get a decent shot, but I like this anyway, so here it is.

See, this, THIS pretty much explains Fayetteville. They build a new bridge (at great expense and inconvenience to the general populace) and then set up weirdly ambiguous signs indicating you should jump off said bridge to the left or right - because god only knows what's over the little rise.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The first day of school for the girls was actually the SECOND day of school for Big C., as preschool is a Monday/Wednesday/Friday affair, while the big boy is now in Pre-K. which occurs every single day of the week. So, Big C. went on Tuesday, and EVERYBODY went on Wednesday. If you follow.

The photo above is our drive to school and the photo below was my Very Dramatic Daughters on their first day back. Still darn cute, though.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

First day of school for the big man today! (The girls start tomorrow). And the girls' second day of dance classes! We're busy here. And we're cute.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Because yesterday was our first day of dance class...
Many thanks to Michelle for having a camera that works and snapping this shot!!!!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Behold - we have a front porch! And dentil molding!
Now we just need some trim, a real front door, a back porch, a real back door, some shutters, and we'll be good to go!!!