Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hallowe'en can be remarkably intimidating. First, there's the putting-on-of-unusual-clothes. Closely followed by the approaching-of-strange-doors, and the reciting-of-odd-phrases.
This is generally forgotten in the immediate-ingestion-of-all-received-goodies, but still..

Little P. not only refused to wear the "hat portion" of the costume, but headed home as soon as all pertinent candies were collected and her job as "nemo" was complete. This Hallowe'en thing is a lot of work, you know.

Big Brother also kept an eye on Little Q., who wore the hat portion of this ensemble for about 37.2 seconds before ripping it off her head and flinging it into the bushes.

Big Brother as "worker-man" for the festivities of fall....Note the lurking presence of Guard-Cat, who patrolled the neighborhood and kept monkey-business to a minimum.