Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I love this image.

The girls have learned how to unlatch the gate, and now, the world is waiting at their fingertips.

I'm sure there's a profound metaphor or something lurking just beneath the surface here, but really, why ruin the moment?

Friday, September 07, 2007

We have been working hard to entertain ourselves. In a town where entertainment seems to consist largely of things for the testosterone-laden-21-year-old-Army male, this can be something of a challenge.
But today's adventure was photogenic, if nothing else....

We have collected the buds of a rare tree.

We have also plucked and consumed the berries from an unidentified shrub. Yum. NO! SPIT THAT OUT!!!!!!!

And we played with bubbles. And I would like to apologize to the neighbors, even though they are unaware of the fact that I had decided they were responsible for the disappearance of our bubble machine. Ummm, turns out it was behind the gas grill. It's just that assuming it was stolen and blaming someone else seemed so much more logical. At the time. Ahem.